Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Book Review - Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

    In this book, the main character is Charlie Bucket. One day, the manager of Wonka chocolate factory, Willy Wonka decides to open the factory up to the five lucky kids. The first one to find the golden ticket was Augustus Gloop, who loves to eat, especially chocolates. He was very fat and grumpy. The second lucky kid was greedy Veruca Salt, who believes that her daddy can do anything for her. The bigger problem is, her dad lets her to act like an annoying kid. The third kid to find a golden ticket was Violet Beauregarde. She is the girl who loves to chew gums. She's very greedy just like her "best friend", Veruca Salt. The fourth lucky guy was Mike Teavee, whose crazy in TV and video games. Lastly, Charlie Bucket found the gold ticket by an accident. Anyway, those five lucky kids get to go into the Wonka chocolate factory, that wasn't opened for a long time. The five kids have a lot of adventures in the chocolate factory, and the one who survives till the end was Charlie. Eventually, Charlie gets a special prize and the story ends.

    I think the lesson of this story is "Grasp all, lose all." Every kids who were greedy during the adventure in chocolate factory got punished all in the different way. Augustus Gloop wanted to drink all of the chocolate water fall in the factory, so that he had to be absorbed into the long pipe to get out of the chocolate water fall. Veruca Salt went into the trash can, because she wanted to have one of the squirrels. And, she was a bad nut, too. Violet Beauregarde turned into the blueberry pie, because she chewed the gum that is not completed yet. Mike Teavee was almost disappeared from the real world, because he went into the TV machine. Like these situations, many kids were greedy, and the only one who wasn't greedy, who is Charlie, got the last special prize.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

GLPS monster

 There was a monster in GLPS. The monster was a rapper, and she was very good at rapping. She was so good at rapping that when he starts to rap, everybody shuts their ears. She was about 190cm, and that is why the monster was called 'monster'. The monster was a girl, and she was large, long, leopard looking.
 One peaceful day, the monster played sports with other friends. They were playing basketball, and the monster made a decision. She made up her mind to score a goal. At one point, she jumped to throw the ball. On that point, she was free, and wild. However, the ball in her hand slipped and fell down. As the ball fell down, the monster fell down with the ball.
 After that accident, everybody in GLPS looked at her awkwardly, and she got too much stress, so she died.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Apology to Lieju

 Dear Lieju,
 Hi, Lieju.  I'm sorry for mocking you and teasing you with your height in front of class 21. 
 You would be so embarrassed from pretending you as a GLPS elementary student. Even I don't like to be teased as a elementary student. I was heartbroken when I heard that you cried in your dorm room.
 I won't tease you or mock you anymore with your height. Also, I won't make you embarrassed in front of people.
 No one can control their height just like the skin color or how they look like. I will read this out loud at class 21, and make sure that they won't tease you again.
 Sincerely, B.Dean

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Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Compliment2_My roommates

 My roommates are all kind and pretty. Gi seon is pretty and skinny. I wish I was skinny and tall as her. Hee Ju is really kind and cute. She is truly cute, but she doesn't knows that. San is short, but that is why she is so cute and popular. Jeong yeon is quiet and kind. Ye chan is tall and smart. I love all of my roommates!


 Mr. Dean is a really friendly and kind teacher I've ever met. He is so funny that makes me laugh like a lunatic. Also, he explains accurately what he is saying to do, so that the students can under stand well. I look forward to see you again!


 Someone in our camp, teases me that I look like an egg, and tries to take a picture of me. His name is Koo Hara.
 Because Hara teased me like that, I got hurt in my mind. Also, my portrait rights are abused.
 I need Hara to sit on knees and beg me for mercy.
 If you do it again, I'll kick you! So, be aware.
 I look forward to your response by January 5th.

About Creativity

   First of all, let me define the 'creativity'. Creativity is a production, but it isn't a reproduction like drawing the 'Mona Lisa' as same as we can. Creative work is really fun, but not so easy. Also, we can research creativity. A person's creativity can change and develop. It is not the thing that is magically given. Creativity starts at the small spark. For example, one university did some experiment to the students, and it was grabbing two strings hanging up at the same time. Just like this↓
 To the students who couldn't grab two strings, the director of the experiment went into the experiment room, and said "You can do it. Calm down." And then, the director hit the other string, which the student is not grabbing. Since the director hit the string, the string would move back and forth. By seeing that, the student could finally grab the string by moving the string. However, when the director asked the student "How could you do it?", the student was not able to explain it.
 There are some myths about creativity. Some says that drug, alcohol, money, fear,and deadline increases creativity. And, some says structure is bad for creativity. Also, people say that if a person is good at art, it means he or she is great at creativity, too. However, this is not true, which you shouldn't believe it.
 In fact, the real things that make creativity decrease are first, money, prize and compliments. People can think that why is it bad for creativity to compliment students. That is because the compliment about how they are born like 'smart' or 'clever' can make students arrogant and eventually make them not to work hard anymore. Secondly, the phones can kill creativity, and that's because phones distract the concentration. Lastly, studying for standardized test can reduce creativity.
 Then, how can we make people creative? First of all, praising for how they are born is not good praising. Instead, people can praise about the effort and strategy. Secondly, if there is controlled distraction, it can help someone to be creative.